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(C) Copyright 1995 by Jory J. Authement
TDL BBS Lister v0.1ß [PPE]
TDL BBS Lister is a bbs list program [PPE] for PCBoard 15.22
│ R E G I S T R A T I O N │
Registration for TDL BBS Lister is $10.00 US Dollars. You may use this program
for 30 days for evalutaion purposes. If after 30 days you continue to use
this program, I have confidence you will register it. Registration will remove
the <UNREGISTERED> notice and will display the registered screen with your name,
system name, and serial number. Also registration allows you to free upgrades
of ALL future upgrades. To register TDL BBS Lister fill out the registration
form and mail it and payment to the address listed below. Check or money
orders should be made out to:
Jory J. Authement
The Darkland BBS
200 A Volcan Road
Oceanside CA 92054
│ I N S T A L L A T I O N │
Installation is very simple as are all PPEs. The easiest way to run it is
to attatch it to the command list and run it as a command. Make sure that
you include a security level otherwise everyone will be able to edit your
File Locations
Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement
══════════════ ════════ ═══════════════════════════════════════
You will also want to list the directory where this ppe is installed in the
download path. When someone chooses to download, a file called TDL_BBS.TXT
is created and must be in the path so they can download it.
│ C O N F I G U R A T I O N │
Edit the text file "TDL_BBS.KEY" as follows:
Line 1 - Your registration name
Line 2 - Your system name
Line 3 - Your registration number
That's it you should be ready to go!
│ O P E R A T I O N │
Operation is fairly simple. A user can add, view, download or edit bbs
entries. When adding a bbs to the database, duplicate phone numbers and bbs
names will be checked. If a duplicate number is found the user will be advised
and the entry will be aborted. If a duplicate (partial match) name is found
the user will be warned and brought back to the edit screen. The user will
be able to save the entry once they are warned. Duplicates will not be checked
when editing an entry. Users can edit entries which they have entered or ones
that have them listed as the "Editor".
│ Q U E S T I O N S & C O M M E N T S ( B U G S ) │
If you have any problems, questions or would like some additions please
let me know.
If you need help, have suggestions or have problems please feel free
to contact me via my Fido Address.
Jory Authement
Fidonet 1:202/1207.2
You can always get the latest version of TDL BBS Lister at one of three
1 - Through The BOOT STRAP ONLINE BBS - (520) 329-7877
2 - Through The SALT AIR BBS - (801) 261-8976
3 - Through The FidoNet Via the PCB-PPE File Area
│ H I S T O R Y │
│ Version 0.1ß 08-04-95 │
- Entire rewrite!
- Added some features and made the screens look sowewhat better.
│ C R E D I T S │
Daryl Strogner - Boot Strap Online
- Thanks man for all the help on the registration sequence.
Vigilante - The Velvet Underground
- Your graphics are inspirational
Clark Development - Salt Air BBS
- Have to give you credit, without the PPL Language all this could not
be possible.